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- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // File: d3dxshapes.h
- // Content: D3DX simple shapes
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __D3DXSHAPES_H__
- #define __D3DXSHAPES_H__
- #include <d3d.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "d3dxerr.h"
- typedef struct ID3DXSimpleShape *LPD3DXSIMPLESHAPE;
- // {CFCD4602-EB7B-11d2-A440-00A0C90629A8}
- 0xcfcd4602, 0xeb7b, 0x11d2, 0xa4, 0x40, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x6, 0x29, 0xa8 );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Interfaces:
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ID3DXSimpleShape interface:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DXSimpleShape, IUnknown)
- {
- // IUnknown methods
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObj) PURE;
- // ID3DXSimpleShape methods
- STDMETHOD_(DWORD, GetIndices)(THIS_ LPWORD *ppIndices) PURE;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Functions:
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif //__cplusplus
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // D3DXCreatePolygon: Creates an 'n' sided polygon using the device
- // ---------------- specified. It returns a vertex buffer that can be used
- // for drawing or manipulation by the program later on.
- //
- // Params:
- // [in] LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice: The device to create off.
- // [in] float sideSize: Length of a side.
- // [in] DWORD numTexCoords: The number of texture coordinates desired
- // in the vertex-buffer. (Default is 1)
- // D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [out] IDirect3DVertexBuffer7** ppVB: The output shape interface.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D3DXCreatePolygon(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice,
- float sideSize,
- DWORD numSides,
- DWORD numTexCoords,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // D3DXCreateBox: Creates a box (cuboid) of given dimensions using the
- // ------------ device. It returns a vertex buffer that can
- // be used for drawing or manipulation by the program later on.
- //
- // Params:
- // [in] LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice: The device to create off.
- // [in] float width: Width of the box (along x-axis)
- // [in] float height: Height of the box (along y-axis)
- // [in] float depth: Depth of the box (along z-axis)
- // [in] DWORD numTexCoords: The number of texture coordinates desired
- // in the vertex-buffer. Default is 1.
- // D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input here.
- // [out] LPD3DXSIMPLESHAPE* ppShape: The output vertex-buffer.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D3DXCreateBox(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice,
- float width,
- float height,
- float depth,
- DWORD numTexCoords,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // D3DXCreateCylinder: Creates a cylinder of given dimensions using the
- // ----------------- device. It returns a vertex buffer that
- // can be used for drawing or manipulation by the program
- // later on.
- //
- // Params:
- // [in] LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice: The device to create off.
- // [in] float baseRadius: Base-radius (default is 1.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] float topRadius: Top-radius (default is 1.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] float height: Height (default is 1.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] DWORD numSlices: Number of slices about the main axis.
- // (default is 8) D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [in] DWORD numStacks: Number of stacks along the main axis.
- // (default is 8) D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [in] DWORD numTexCoords: The number of texture coordinates desired
- // in the vertex-buffer. Default is 1.
- // D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input here.
- // [out] LPD3DXSIMPLESHAPE* ppShape: The output shape interface.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D3DXCreateCylinder(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice,
- float baseRadius,
- float topRadius,
- float height,
- DWORD numSlices,
- DWORD numStacks,
- DWORD numTexCoords,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // D3DXCreateTorus: Creates a torus of given dimensions using the
- // -------------- device specified. It returns a vertex buffer that can
- // be used for drawing or manipulation by the program later
- // on. It draws a doughnut, centered at (0, 0, 0) whose axis
- // is aligned with the z-axis. With the innerRadius used
- // as the radius of the cross-section (minor-Radius) and
- // the outerRadius used as the radius of the central 'hole'.
- //
- // Params:
- // [in] LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice: The device to create off.
- // [in] float innerRadius: inner radius (default is 1.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] float outerRadius: outer radius (default is 2.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] DWORD numSides: Number of sides in the cross-section
- // (default is 8). D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [in] DWORD numRings: Number of rings making up the torus
- // (default is 8) D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [in] DWORD numTexCoords: The number of texture coordinates desired
- // in the vertex-buffer. Default is 1.
- // D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input here.
- // [out] LPD3DXSIMPLESHAPE* ppShape: The output shape interface.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D3DXCreateTorus(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice,
- float innerRadius,
- float outerRadius,
- DWORD numSides,
- DWORD numRings,
- DWORD numTexCoords,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // D3DXCreateTeapot: Creates a teapot using the device specified.
- // ---------------- It returns a vertex buffer that can be used for
- // drawing or manipulation by the program later on.
- //
- // Params:
- // [in] LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice: The device to create off.
- // [in] DWORD numTexCoords: The number of texture coordinates desired
- // in the vertex-buffer. Default is 1.
- // D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input here.
- // [out] LPD3DXSIMPLESHAPE* ppShape: The output shape interface.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D3DXCreateTeapot(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice,
- DWORD numTexCoords,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // D3DXCreateSphere: Creates a cylinder of given dimensions using the
- // ---------------- device specified.
- // It returns a vertex buffer that can be used for
- // drawing or manipulation by the program later on.
- //
- // Params:
- // [in] LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice: The device to create off.
- // [in] float radius: radius (default is 1.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] float height: Height (default is 1.0f, shd be >= 0.0f)
- // [in] DWORD numSlices: Number of slices about the main axis
- // (default is 8) D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [in] DWORD numStacks: Number of stacks along the main axis
- // (default is 8) D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input.
- // [in] DWORD numTexCoords: The number of texture coordinates desired
- // in the vertex-buffer. Default is 1.
- // D3DX_DEFAULT is a valid input here.
- // [out] LPD3DXSIMPLESHAPE* ppShape: The output shape interface.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D3DXCreateSphere(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 pDevice,
- float radius,
- DWORD numSlices,
- DWORD numStacks,
- DWORD numTexCoords,
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif //__cplusplus
- #endif //__D3DXSHAPES_H__